When you self-publish, you do not have to sell any of your rights to a publishing company. This means that you keep your profits, and you do not have to worry about losing any control of your intellectual property.

We don't distribute; we don't own any of your intellectual property. We offer our professional knowledge of music engraving, layout, and design to help you put together music that looks great for sale and will help you promote yourself as you network to performers and conductors.

Don't know an artist or designer? We can do the cover art for you, or we can help you find the artwork that fits your book perfectly.

Not sure about how much sheet music you can sell? We can print a small order to save you on costs. High quality, heavyweight paper is used for printing.
Or you can print it yourself, and we will send you the .PDF, .SIB, or .MUS file.

- Free page of music for your book.
- Consutlation on your project.
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