This piece is a protest against all barriers to freedom, whether it be taxes, mandates, over-regulation, or the crippling violations of human rights: violations against freedom or forced birth control, slave labor, or abortion. The first movement takes serious the gravity of the situation and is at points a lament. The second movement, a march, is serious on the surface, just as a pompous politician takes himself seriously. In this movement, one can almost see the stern parade of the Nazis or Soviets, but really, it represents the march of any dictatorship, especially the current ones.
This piece is for full orchestra: the woodwinds are in twos, plus piccolo and contrabassoon, the brass section is 4, 3, 3, 1, the percussion section includes timpani and two percussionists (playing crotales, pair of cymbals, large suspended cymbal, tam-tam, whip, snare drum, tenor drum, bass drum, glockenspiel, and xylophone), piano, and strings. Other arrangements are available upon request.
The March to Hades works well in a winter or fall program. It fittingly accompanies a Shostakovich or Prokofiev symphony, Hindemith or other twentieth century music, including expressionist or serial works.
It can work as a serious concert opener. The coda of the piece is lively and forceful, and so it may also close the first half of the program.
View the Prelude: First Page. Click here. View the Prelude: Last Page. Click here.
View the March: First Page. Click here. View the March: Last Page. Click here.

Contact us for the complete score and an electronic mockup of the work, or
try out March to Hades in a rehearsal.
We will provide the parts at no cost to you. Rental or purchase fees will apply,
only if you decide to perform the music in concert.
Contact David Isaac by email: info@davidimusic.com or by phone 562-285-7608.