This piece transports the audience into the ancient Greek world of gods and nymphs. Daphne has an other-worldly character, through the use of the ancient Dorian and Lydian modes.
Time: 10'10"
I. Daphne and Apollo
The nymph Daphne, daughter of the god, Peneus, and Creusa. Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto, the god of the sun, medicine, and prophecy. Cupid struck Apollo and Daphne with arrows of different persuasion. One, like a golden spear was sharp as fire, the other was dull and heavy as lead.
II. Flight
Daphne ran from Apollo, and she, distracted, in flight, in fear, wind flowing through her dress and her wild hair- she grew more beautiful the more he followed her and saw wind tear her dress and the short tunic that she wore, the girl a naked wraith in the wilderness.
III. Laurel Tree
The girl saw waves of a familiar river, her father's home, and in a trembling voice called, "Father, if your waters still hold charms to save your daughter, cover with green earth this body I wear too well," and as she spoke a drowsiness possessed her. Growing in earth she stood, white thighs embraced by climbing bark, her white arms branches, her fair head swaying in a cloud of leaves, and she was a laurel tree.
Source: Robert Graves, Greek Myths
Daphne is written for Oboe (doubling English Horn) and Bassoon (doubling Contrabassoon).
Can be a thoughtful concert opener, or opener to the 2nd half. It can also work as an interlude between works for woodwind quartets, quintets, or octets. With it's impressionist sound, it can be programmed with, or as a replacement for, works by Debussy, Ravel, Poulenc, and others.

Contact us for the complete score or try out Daphne in a rehearsal.
We will provide the parts at no cost to you. Rental or purchase fees will apply, only if you decide to perform the music in concert.
Contact David Isaac by email: info@davidimusic.com or by phone 562-285-7608.